KAPI Constitution
Article 1 - Meetings
Section 1. Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting of the members shall be held at the principal office of the Association on 1st Friday of December of each year. The President shall render his annual report to the members regarding the activities of the Association. The election of the Board of Directors shall also be held during this regular meeting and general assembly.
Section 2. Special Meeting
Special meetings of the members shall be called as the need thereof arises, by the Board of Directors or the President or upon petition of 1/3 of the general membership.
Section 3. Notices
Notices of the time and place of annual, and special meetings of the members shall be given either personally, by special delivery mail or electronic mail, at least two (2) weeks before the date set for such meeting. The notice of every special meeting shall briefly state the purpose or purposes of the meeting.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum for any meeting of the members shall consist of a fifty percent plus one of (50%+1) the members and a majority of such quorum may decide any question at the meeting, except those matters where the Corporation Code requires the affirmative vote of a greater proportion.
Section 5. Order of Business.
The order of business at the annual business meeting of the members shall be as follows:
Proof of service of the required notice of meeting
Proof of the presence of a quorum
Approval of the agenda
Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting
Matters arising from the previous minutes/unfinished business
New Business: President and Treasurer's Report
Election of Directors for the ensuing year
Other matters
Section 6. Voting Proxy
Except for Honorary and Affiliate members, each Regular and Associate member shall be entitled to one vote, ands/he may vote either in person or by proxy which shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Association before the scheduled meeting.
Article 2 - Membership
Section 1. Qualifications for Membership.
Membership to the Association is open to any individual practicing archaeology in the Philippines and/or associated/allied to the field and practice, without prejudice to race, gender, religion, age, or disability. All members will be collectively known as the General Assembly.
Section 2. Membership application.
The application of membership to the society shall be submitted to the Board of Directors. The Membership Committee shall process the requirements and appraisal of the application in accordance with the Association's articles of incorporation or constitution and by-laws and will be forwarded to the Board of Directors. Upon recommendation, the Board of Directors shall issue a resolution to finalize the membership application.
Section 3. Membership Types
3.1. Honorary Member. Honorary Membership is a special membership conferred to a nonÂprofessional archaeologist that has made significant contributions to Philippine archaeology. The conferment of this membership is evaluated by the Executive Board upon the nomination and recommendation from the general membership (no voting rights)
3.2. Affiliate Member. A category of membership that is open to any person who is not a professional or practicing archaeologist but practices a profession allied to archaeology of the conduct of archaeological research, and/or who shares an interest in archaeology and helps to promote the objectives of The Guild (no voting rights)
3.3. Associate Member. A category of membership that is open to any person who has an educational training recognized by the Guild, a Diploma in Archaeology and/or at least one year of archaeological experience (with voting rights) '
3.4. Regular Member. A category of membership who is a practicing professional archaeologist and who supports the objectives of the society. Any person by virtue of his/her relevant professional experience (more than three years with at least two publications) in archaeology and/or by virtue of his/her academic accomplishments (Master's Degree in Archaeology or Anthropology majoring in Archaeology) is recognized a practicing archaeologist (with voting rights and can be elected in the board)
Section 4. Rights and Privileges of Members
4.1. All classes of members shall have the right to vote for matters relating to the affairs of the Association except Honorary and Affiliate members and during Board elections where voting rights are reserved for Regular and Associate members only. Only Regular members can be nominated and elected to the Board of Directors.
4.2. All classes of members shall enjoy membership benefits as determined by the Board of Directors.
4.3. Honorary members shall not be required to pay any fees or annual dues.
4.4. All classes of members shall have rights and privileges to participate in general assemblies and meetings, avail of all common facilities and resources, and examine all records, books, or documents of the Association during business hours.
Section 5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Members
A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
5.1. To obey and comply with the association's constitutions and by-laws and regulations that may be promulgated by the association from time to time;
5.2. To attend all meetings of the Association;
5.3. To pay membership dues and other fees (when applicable) as determined by the Board of Directors and/or general assembly
5.4. To foster collegiality among archaeologists working in the Philippines; and
5.5. To promote, monitor, abide by, and strictly implement the Association's Code of Ethics.
Section 6. Suspension, Expulsion, and Termination of Membership
6.1. Suspension, expulsion, and termination of membership shall be in accordance with the articles of incorporation, by-laws, rules, and regulations of the Association and/or the KAPI Code of Ethics.
6.2. Any member of the association may file charges against a member by filing a written complaint addressed to the KAPI Board of Directors.
6.3. The Board of Directors shall call a special meeting to consider the charges. The affirmative vote of majority of all Board of Directors shall be necessary to suspend a member; provided that where the penalty is expulsion/termination, the affirmative vote of majority of all the voting members of the association shall be necessary.
Article 3 - General Assembly
Section 1. General Assembly
The General Assembly is comprised of bona fide members of the Association duly assembled in an Annual Business or Special Meeting and constituting a for the purpose of exercising all the rights and performing all obligations as provided for in these By-Laws. A quorum shall be composed of the majority of the voting members of the Association.
Article 4 - Board of Directors
Section 1. Board of Directors
The corporate powers of the association shall be exercised, its business conducted, and its property controlled by the Board of Directors. They supervise and direct the affairs of the Association. The power of the Board of Directors emanates from the General Assembly.
Section 2. Qualifications
The Board of Directors to be elected must be of legal age and Regular members with good standing in the association.
Section 3. Powers and Functions.
3.1. The Board of Directors are elected by the association's members to represent its interests and ensures that the Executive Committee acts on their behalf. They set the overall direction and programs of the association and enforces the KAPI Code of Ethics for a given term.
3.2. The Board of Directors will elect members of the Executive Board which will be composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
3.3. The Board at-Large serves as a liaison between the membership and the Executive Board. He/ e may also function as a Committee Head if he/she accepts a Committee Head'- positron.
Section 4. Disqualification of Board of Directors
4.1. No member convicted by final judgment of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding six (6) years, or a violation of the Corporation Code of the Philippines committed within five (5) years prior to the date of his election or appointment, shall qualify as a director OR officer.
4.2. Any member of the Board of Directors who, after a due process and deliberations was found violating the Kapisanan ng mga Arkeologist sa Pilipinas, Inc (KAPI) Code of Ethics shall be disqualified.
Section 5. Term of Office of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall hold office for three (3) fiscal years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.